There is no comparison.
Nobody could be more determined than a soldier.
Put a task in front of a man or woman in uniform and watch them find a way to get it done. Determination is something fed and nurtured into any person choosing this as their life.
2 Timothy 2:1-7
New International Version (NIV)
The Appeal Renewed
2 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. 3 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 5 Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. 7 Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.
Does anybody really know what it's like to be a soldier?
Other than the soldier him/her self?
Is there any real comparison that can be made between the life we live here on suburban/rural America and one where the soldier resides?
I have to say, no.
Other than the soldier him/her self?
Is there any real comparison that can be made between the life we live here on suburban/rural America and one where the soldier resides?
I have to say, no.
Paul makes some correlations and illustrations for us in our bibles.
He would have seen Roman soldiers in his times. Maybe outside of his cell as he was held prisoner.
In Ephesians and in the scripture above where he writes to Timothy, he uses the picture of soldier to make his point.
But, are we really soldiers here, at home?
Do we really know what it's like?
If you are a rich, Hollywood mogul with awards and accolades, you might think you do.
Some might have seen the headlines this week where a certain famous celebrity compared his acting career to that of a solider doing a tour of Afghanistan. Like there is any comparison there...
He would have seen Roman soldiers in his times. Maybe outside of his cell as he was held prisoner.
In Ephesians and in the scripture above where he writes to Timothy, he uses the picture of soldier to make his point.
But, are we really soldiers here, at home?
Do we really know what it's like?
If you are a rich, Hollywood mogul with awards and accolades, you might think you do.
Some might have seen the headlines this week where a certain famous celebrity compared his acting career to that of a solider doing a tour of Afghanistan. Like there is any comparison there...
A facebook friend posted the news item on their wall this week, to which I promptly posted my feelings. "Bonehead". Only someone that full of themselves could think they know what a soldier actually goes through compared to their sufficient upscale lifestyle.
So, I wondered to myself. What does it mean to be a soldier?
I don't know personally, but having been around soldiers all my life, what qualities stand out as true to the word, soldier?
Webster's Dictionary and myself got rather intimate again as I researched the following words.
So, I wondered to myself. What does it mean to be a soldier?
I don't know personally, but having been around soldiers all my life, what qualities stand out as true to the word, soldier?
Webster's Dictionary and myself got rather intimate again as I researched the following words.
Full Definition of LOYAL
1: unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or government
b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due
c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
2: showing loyalty
3 obsolete : lawful, legitimate
A soldier is sworn to be loyal to his country. Even if we don't like the decisions that our government makes or if we don't like the leader in office, a soldier is loyal the country he/she serves. Determined
Full Definition of DETERMINED
1: having reached a decision : firmly resolved <determined to be a pilot>
Put a task in front of a man or woman in uniform and watch them find a way to get it done. Determination is something fed and nurtured into any person choosing this as their life.
Full Definition of STRONG
1: having or marked by great physical power
Maybe a soldier doesn't look particularly 'strong' in the natural sense of the word. We think of muscles and sweat. Strong indicates an inner quality. I think of my friend, Matt Holcomb. We were two of the scrawniest kids in our class. I could tell stories on myself about chicken-ing out of the Army. I didn't want that life. But, Matt actually went down to the Military Institute to try out for the Marines. He may not have made it, but at least he tried. It's more than I can say.
Maybe a soldier doesn't look particularly 'strong' in the natural sense of the word. We think of muscles and sweat. Strong indicates an inner quality. I think of my friend, Matt Holcomb. We were two of the scrawniest kids in our class. I could tell stories on myself about chicken-ing out of the Army. I didn't want that life. But, Matt actually went down to the Military Institute to try out for the Marines. He may not have made it, but at least he tried. It's more than I can say.
2: having moral or intellectual power
3: having great resources (as of wealth or talent)
4: of a specified number strong
A group of soldiers can accomplish anything. Put a group of soldiers into a dicey or troubled situation and you'll find out how strong they truly are. 2 or 5 or 10, there is nothing this determined and strong group can't get done.
5 a : striking or superior of its kind strong
7: not mild or weak : extreme, intense: as
I had to chuckle here. Several soldiers might also. My grandfather, a WWII vet in the navy might have laughed at one time too. "Strong beer"
a : rich in some active agent <strong beer>
b of a color : high in chroma
c : ionizing freely in solution <strong acids and bases>
d : magnifying by refracting greatly strong
I had to chuckle here. Several soldiers might also. My grandfather, a WWII vet in the navy might have laughed at one time too. "Strong beer"
9: moving with rapidity or force strong
12: well established : firm <strong beliefs>
13: not easily upset or nauseated strong
Full Definition of FOCUS
1 c : a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding focus
So much to be said here. The first use of the word is a noun. A personal thing.
"The Christmas food drive is the focus this year."
However it is used in another way...
b : to adjust the focus of (as the eye or a lens)
"The Christmas food drive is the focus this year."
However it is used in another way...
Full Definition of FOCUS
transitive verb
We all remember what this means, right? Transference. People can help or cause other people to be 'focused'.
We all remember what this means, right? Transference. People can help or cause other people to be 'focused'.
1 a : to bring into focus
2: to cause to be concentrated <focused their attention on the most urgent problems>
From the soldier's point of view, the first thing I thought of here was a drill sergeant. Every soldier I've known has had one in their life. A good drill sergeant will keep you focused.
I had to pop in my copy of Forest Gump just to see the drill sergeant scene.
"GUMP! What is your soul purpose in life, Gump?"
To do whatever you tell me to do, Drill Sergeant
"You're a genius, Gump!"
From the soldier's point of view, the first thing I thought of here was a drill sergeant. Every soldier I've known has had one in their life. A good drill sergeant will keep you focused.
I had to pop in my copy of Forest Gump just to see the drill sergeant scene.
"GUMP! What is your soul purpose in life, Gump?"
To do whatever you tell me to do, Drill Sergeant
"You're a genius, Gump!"
What is a soldier? Do any of the previous words shed light on the subject?
Maybe the word itself needs it's day...
Full Definition of SOLDIER
1 a : one engaged in military service and especially in the army
b : an enlisted man or woman
c : a skilled warrior
2: a militant leader, follower, or worker
3 a : one of a caste of wingless sterile termites usually differing from workers in larger size and head and long jaws
b : one of a type of worker ants distinguished by exceptionally large head and jaws
4: one who shirks work
It's not often I disagree with ol Webster's on a definition, but I really don't think the word 'shirks' goes here. I've never seen a soldier actually shrug off work. They embrace it. They take care of their families and those around them. They look out for others, even the gruffest of the soldiers. There is no calling higher or greater than to decide to take this life and work on one's shoulders. What can we as Christians take from all this? How could we be 'soldiers'?
What could we accomplish if we, as a unit, like a group of men and women who are loyal to their God and their church, would do? How strong we could be, all working together, knowing that God loves us and loves those around us too? We could find the determination to make our world a place of freedom. What might it be like it we were focused on the goal before us of making sure everyone knows that God is a God of Love?
That was the mindset at one time in the church.
We've sung about it. "Onward Christian Soldiers", "Soldiers of Christ, Arise".
At one time, maybe, we were soldiers. And, we can can be, again.