Its what you give that makes the difference.
Human beings go through life expecting.
We expect to be fed. We expect to be given things. We expect people to listen.
But, what do we give?
The question formulates some thoughts about the word of the day - JOY.
And, we should probably look right at the word before go much further...
Right away, I want to know what prompted this sudden trip.
It says here that Mary " got ready and hurried".
I cannot speak from experience on this subject, but I'm sure many a woman could tell that, when pregnant, you don't hurry any where. But, Mary seems to need to get there right NOW.
Why? Maybe word of her aunt's pregnancy has sparked curiosity, or a need for fellowship with someone who would understand her situation. Elizabeth's situation is peculiar. So is Mary's.
An angel appears and tells her that she will conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
She will be with child and that child will save the nation of Israel from their sins.
The child will be named Jesus. It's all such great and wonderful news!
Maybe not so much for Mary.
How will she explain this to her family? How will she explain this to her husband to be?
Who will believe her? She will be shunned and condemned. She needs some kind of consolation.
That's an important word - consolation. It ties in well with our word of the day - JOY.
Consolation means to try and lift someone's spirits when their joy has been taken or stolen.
Life has a way of doing just that. Taking the joy right out of our hearts.
Mary needs to be with someone who can identify with where she at in life right now.
Elizabeth's situation is strange, in her advanced age and pregnant with child.
Mary's is even more peculiar and has surely raised some eyebrows.
Why do we convince ourselves that we are surely damned or without hope?
It's easy to do in our human state. It's all we know. Guilt. Shame. Sadness.
And, our society heaps it on. Let me know your sins and we'll make you feel bad for them.
It's a twisted circle.
However, what does Elizabeth say to Mary upon her entering the house?
"Blessed are you..." What? Me? I don't feel very 'blessed'. My family doesn't want me. My husband isn't sure he wants to be with me. There's no explanation to tell others except, "God did it." Really? I'm blessed, huh? Sure...
No, really. You are. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!
Yes, in the midst of the most trying of situations God can speak our name and call us blessed.
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!
And, blessed are you. In he midst of this Christmas season.
Whatever you are facing or dealing with, God can bless you and keep you.
He makes his face shine down upon you.
He looks upon you with gladness, even when the world does not.
He can restore the joy to your heart.
Human beings go through life expecting.
We expect to be fed. We expect to be given things. We expect people to listen.
But, what do we give?
The question formulates some thoughts about the word of the day - JOY.
And, we should probably look right at the word before go much further...
Definition of JOY
: a feeling of great happiness
: a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone
The context of the original song might be in a sad tone, but for me personally, the context is always a happy one. Running to the grocery store, or anywhere in town for that matter, was a joy if mom was driving and we were listening to that old music.
My mom gave all she had and it wasn't easy. Unbeknownst to me as a child, my mom battled with depression. I'm sure some days it hard to even get out of bed. To just get up and face the world. To even make a smiley face at others, including your own kids. But, my mom carried on through it. We never missed a meal. (My mom was an excellent cook.) She always made sure we had enough. She kept the wrath of my step-father off my back. She worried about us, especially after we moved from home.
Joy. It's a special thing.
Sometimes we need the fellowship of another to truly experience it.
We might find that kind of situation in the scripture, today.
: a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone
: success in doing, finding, or getting something
Nobody knows joy quite like a mother does.
I could use the word parent and include us fathers, but there is something special about a mother/child relationship. I grew up with my mother, riding in the car - my father's ol '73 Mercury Capri, with the black vinyl seats (that would burn the back of your legs if you wore shorts in the summer time). There was an 8 track player under the driver's seat and most of time there was some Paul Simon's Greatest Hits playing.
No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away
I could use the word parent and include us fathers, but there is something special about a mother/child relationship. I grew up with my mother, riding in the car - my father's ol '73 Mercury Capri, with the black vinyl seats (that would burn the back of your legs if you wore shorts in the summer time). There was an 8 track player under the driver's seat and most of time there was some Paul Simon's Greatest Hits playing.
No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away
The context of the original song might be in a sad tone, but for me personally, the context is always a happy one. Running to the grocery store, or anywhere in town for that matter, was a joy if mom was driving and we were listening to that old music.
My mom gave all she had and it wasn't easy. Unbeknownst to me as a child, my mom battled with depression. I'm sure some days it hard to even get out of bed. To just get up and face the world. To even make a smiley face at others, including your own kids. But, my mom carried on through it. We never missed a meal. (My mom was an excellent cook.) She always made sure we had enough. She kept the wrath of my step-father off my back. She worried about us, especially after we moved from home.
Joy. It's a special thing.
Sometimes we need the fellowship of another to truly experience it.
We might find that kind of situation in the scripture, today.
Luke 1:39-45
New International Version (NIV)
Mary Visits Elizabeth
39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”Right away, I want to know what prompted this sudden trip.
It says here that Mary " got ready and hurried".
I cannot speak from experience on this subject, but I'm sure many a woman could tell that, when pregnant, you don't hurry any where. But, Mary seems to need to get there right NOW.
Why? Maybe word of her aunt's pregnancy has sparked curiosity, or a need for fellowship with someone who would understand her situation. Elizabeth's situation is peculiar. So is Mary's.
An angel appears and tells her that she will conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
She will be with child and that child will save the nation of Israel from their sins.
The child will be named Jesus. It's all such great and wonderful news!
Maybe not so much for Mary.
How will she explain this to her family? How will she explain this to her husband to be?
Who will believe her? She will be shunned and condemned. She needs some kind of consolation.
That's an important word - consolation. It ties in well with our word of the day - JOY.
Consolation means to try and lift someone's spirits when their joy has been taken or stolen.
Life has a way of doing just that. Taking the joy right out of our hearts.
Mary needs to be with someone who can identify with where she at in life right now.
Elizabeth's situation is strange, in her advanced age and pregnant with child.
Mary's is even more peculiar and has surely raised some eyebrows.
Why do we convince ourselves that we are surely damned or without hope?
It's easy to do in our human state. It's all we know. Guilt. Shame. Sadness.
And, our society heaps it on. Let me know your sins and we'll make you feel bad for them.
It's a twisted circle.
However, what does Elizabeth say to Mary upon her entering the house?
"Blessed are you..." What? Me? I don't feel very 'blessed'. My family doesn't want me. My husband isn't sure he wants to be with me. There's no explanation to tell others except, "God did it." Really? I'm blessed, huh? Sure...
No, really. You are. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!
Yes, in the midst of the most trying of situations God can speak our name and call us blessed.
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!
And, blessed are you. In he midst of this Christmas season.
Whatever you are facing or dealing with, God can bless you and keep you.
He makes his face shine down upon you.
He looks upon you with gladness, even when the world does not.
He can restore the joy to your heart.